change lives.

Cathy Lahey to lead our 2022 campaign 


We are delighted to be able to share with you that long-time United Way supporter Cathy Lahey will serve as our Campaign Chair for 2022.

A partner with Stewart McKelvey in Saint John, Cathy has always been deeply committed to community through involvement with many local non-profits and charities.

We’re grateful for Cathy’s care, passion and commitment to United Way for close to 20 years; first as a volunteer on our campaign cabinet in 2004, and also as a dedicated supporter and fundraiser who brings enthusiasm to all she does.  We know that enthusiasm will continue to be present in her role as our 2022 Campaign Chair.  She is honoured to serve and lead us in this year’s campaign.

“It’s truly humbling to work with an organization that offers such life-changing support to members of our community,” Cathy says. “By ensuring that children and adults in need have access to the resources required to live a happy and productive life, the United Way strengthens and enriches our community for all of us.”

We are happy to see the light that is beginning to shine through the darkness of the pandemic.  To see people coming together once again to engage in life-altering services and supports that are made possible through donations to the United Way. The pandemic’s effect on people in our communities will linger for some time and has taken an exaggerated toll on the organizations we support; their need is as great as it’s ever been – if not more.

We are lucky to have Cathy leading our campaign this year. Her strength of character coupled with her compassion is sure to create a year of giving that will bolster our communities and help those who need it most to achieve goals they never thought possible.