change lives.

We need your help by Feb. 28 


We’re just one week away from the close of our annual campaign on Feb. 28 and we really need your help to make it a success.

The rising cost of rent, food and fuel is squeezing hard on the people we serve through our funded partners. Thousands of people in Saint John, Kings and Charlotte need our help to get by, and to find ways to build a better and brighter future for themselves.

In our work, it is abundantly clear that so many people today are just one catastrophe away from needing the help of United Way agencies – a lost job, a foreclosure, a health crisis or some other unfortunate event.

The onset of the COVID pandemic highlighted that for so many of us. The good fortune and the freedoms we have are not guaranteed.

And while the pandemic has eased off, the pressures of inflation and the shortage of affordable housing are acute and are affecting so many people in our communities.

For those who have already given, thank you for the bottom of our hearts. If you have not had the chance, please donate by going online today or by calling us at (506) 658-1212.

The people we help are counting on you.

With all my gratitude for your support,

Alexya Heelis
Executive Director
United Way Saint John Kings & Charlotte