change lives.

Empowering the non-profit sector: our fall workshops

Part of what we do at the United Way is help strengthen non-profit organizations across Saint John, Kings and Charlotte – knowing that a strong non-profit sector will help more people more effectively and will strengthen the fabric of the communities they serve.

As part of that mandate, this fall we are offering a number of workshops to help organizations in a variety of ways.

Already, we’ve hosted a community roundtable in Sussex, HR workshops around compensation as well as conflict resolution.

Sharon Amirault, executive Director of Family Plus Life Solutions, took part in the conflict resolution workshop led by HR expert Emily McGill.

“This was an excellent workshop,” she said. “Emily was fantastic, the audience was engaged and my toolbox has some nice new tools. Thank you, United Way!”

In November, we will be staging events delving into board governance and budgeting for non-profits.

We will also be offering a Workplace Wellness Series developed by Family Plus, bringing not-for-profit agencies together to explore and support personal wellness.

This four-part series will address topics such as self-care, compassion fatigue, vicarious trauma, supporting individuals in crisis, and recognizing trauma reactions.

This series will empower helping professionals to reflect on their own wellness and mental health, as well as provide strategies that will support employees and the individuals they are working with.

For more information on all of the fall workshops, visit the training and development page of our website.