change lives.

How we decide what to fund

At United Way, we are grateful to the individuals who serve on our Community Investment Advisory Committee.

They are instrumental in the work of strengthening non-profit organizations in our communities and are essential to United Way determining which organizations become our funded partners.

To ensure every dollar our donors give to the United Way has maximum impact, the committee spearheads a rigorous review process.

Our focus is on organizations and projects that are helping to address root causes or solve systemic issues. We currently have four community priorities: Moving people from poverty to possibility, helping kids achieve their full potential, mental health support, and breaking the cycle of domestic violence.

We want to ensure we are investing in organizations that are making a measurable difference in these priority areas.

The Community Impact Advisory Committee has eight to 12 members, each bringing different perspectives and experience to the table. As well as diverse voices, we have representation from throughout Saint John, Kings and Charlotte.

The committee is charged with making recommendations to our board of directors for final approval.

This is not easy work, given the depth and breadth of all the worthy organizations out there looking for funding. We appreciate their hard work and service to the United Way and the communities in our region.

For more details on the process, visit our Apply for Funding page on our website.