change lives.

Saint John Energy hits the road for Giving Tuesday

On Giving Tuesday, Dec. 3, Saint John Energy employees embarked on an inspiring and eye-opening journey through the city to see first-hand how their support of United Way fuels life-changing programs in the community.

The Seeing is Believing Tour gave participants a behind-the-scenes look at three United Way-funded organizations: the Teen Resource Centre, Saint John Learning Exchange, and Sistema NB.

The tour began at 3 p.m., with a group of Saint John Energy employees departing the company’s office to explore the impact of their generous workplace giving campaign. Saint John Energy has long been a model supporter of United Way, combining employee matching, annual corporate gifts, and engagement events to strengthen their connection to community solutions.

At the Teen Resource Centre, executive director June Breau-Nason highlighted challenges youth face and the programs designed to meet their needs. Employees toured vibrant spaces, including a creative arts room equipped with a 3D printer, instruments, and audio recording equipment.

The group then visited the Saint John Learning Exchange, where program co-ordinator Leah Secord introduced them to educational and empowerment programs. Attendees were moved by stories from Jason and Suzie, two program participants who shared how their lives were transformed through learning opportunities and community involvement.

Saint John Energy’s corporate gifts directly support these two programs as well as others. The local utility relies on United Way’s Investment Advisor Service to help make decisions about where its gifts go.

The final stop was Sistema NB, supported by the utility’s employee donations, where the group learned about the program’s incredible dedication to young musicians. Employees were treated to a moving orchestral performance conducted by their teacher César Suárez, showcasing the talent and discipline of Sistema’s students.

Saint John Energy employees didn’t just observe – they contributed too. Ahead of the tour, they packed 270 school-safe snack bags for Sistema students and collected pantry and hygiene items for the Teen Resource Centre and Learning Exchange.

This Giving Tuesday experience underscores Saint John Energy’s steadfast dedication to building a stronger, more connected community.