change lives.

Songs of the City

Songs of the City is United Way’s thank you to our community and our donors. It is a special evening of local stories and songs about the impact of your donation, composed exclusively for our community. These inspiring narratives tell the transformative stories of everyday people in our community whose lives have been changed because of your ongoing generosity as a United Way donor.

Our most recent Songs of the City took place on May 1, 2024 and included Storytellers representing five United Way funded partners. Performing Songwriters for 2024 were

Jamie Comeau, Jaclyn Reinhart, Mike Biggar, Rebecca Dobbelsteyn, and Ryan Brown (The Sunnyside Uppers).


Abdul and MZ, both Newcomers to Canada, were strangers when they first started to hang out together at the Teen Resource Centre, but soon became fast friends. Whether getting help with their homework, taking part in activities, or simply chilling out, they found the Centre a safe space to make friends, find resources, and improve their English. Now bonded for life, they are helping each other pursue their dreams.


Amanda is a survivor who has faced many challenges in her life, including abuse, homelessness, and addiction. After hitting her lowest point three years ago, she resolved to make significant life changes. In her journey, she found her way to the Kaleidoscope Enterprising Women program where she planned and started her own business, found her voice and rediscovered hope and identity.


Jason lives in Saint John and has recently graduated with an Adult High School Diploma – an accomplishment made possible by the supportive environment and flexible learning pace of the Saint John Learning Exchange GOALS program. He shares his journey of overcoming academic challenges and battling mental health struggles; and reflects on the positive changes the experience has brought about in his life, including newfound confidence and positivity.


Kristen lives in Charlotte County and is mother of a blended family of four children. New to the area, she was persuaded by her daughter to explore the weekend Bee Me Kidz groups. What started out as a way to connect to the community, developed into a safe space for her youngest children to learn, and for Kristen to acknowledge and explore her struggles with anxiety. The parent group provided the encouragement she needed to seek medical advice and treatment, transforming Kristen’s life in the process.


Lumen & Palin are 12-year-old twins from Saint John. They started Sistema when they were in Kindergarten/Grade One and have worked their way into the Saint John Youth Orchestra this year. They talk about learning the principles of good citizenship and the impact that Sistema has had on their behaviour, grades and dreams for the future.


To see more inspiring stories from previous Songs of the City events, please visit our YouTube channel.

Thank you to our 2024 Songs of City presenting sponsor BMO Private Wealth.