change lives.

Adrienne’s story: ‘No one is hungry or sad’

Staff at Bee Me Kidz started noticing that extra snacks were being picked up at their Saturday program for families and from their childcare program too.

Instead of confronting the children about it, the teachers began putting extra snacks in the kids’ bags and the kitchen staff would add extra servings to take-home meals and family snack bags.

For Bee Me Kidz, a United Way funded partner agency, it has been increasingly clear that many rely on them for a hearty meal and substantial snacks over the weekend when other food security services are unavailable.

Adrienne recently shared with staff that her children adore the program and activities while she enjoys the time and connections it creates with other parents. She also mentioned how the meals and snacks make a difference too.

“No one,” she said, “is hungry or sad after Bee Me Kidz.”