change lives.

Amy’s story: Fleeing with her family 

Amy grew up in an unhealthy and stressful home and did not want her children to experience the same, yet she found herself in a relationship where her partner was controlling and abusive – verbally, emotionally and financially.

Then the physical violence began. She was terrified, fearing for her children’s safety as well as her own.

“My children were witnessing the violence and I knew it was having a negative impact on them. I worried they would begin to think this behaviour was acceptable. Then the abuse began to not only impact my physical and emotional health, but also my employment,” she says.

“I was missing time due to the stress, and he would constantly call and text me while I was at work,” she says.

She knew she had to leave.

She reached out to Second Stage Safe Haven, a United Way funded partner, and they helped her build a safety plan before she left.

Amy is so thankful for the support she found.

“My children and I now feel safe in our new home. I am so grateful for the help my children and I are receiving through Second Stage. My kids are learning how to express their feelings and we are moving forward in our lives.  Thank you to United Way for helping make this important service available to me and my children,” she says.