change lives.

Amy’s story: From addiction to recovery

Cocaine and marijuana brought chaos and struggle to Amy’s life from an early age.

Despite many attempts, her addictions maintained a strong grip.

“I’d get sober for a few months, or a year here and there, and then I’d start using again,” she says.

She didn’t get “sober for real” until her 30th birthday.

“My son was three, and my life was falling apart. I had no money. My mom had threatened to get my son taken away. I went to Ridgewood and did the 30-day detox program,” she recalls.

When she came out of Ridgewood, Amy found the Sophia Recovery Centre.

“I got a lot out of the one-on-one counselling at Sophia, because the people I met had their own stories of where they had been, and where they’d come from. Now I’m 44, and still sober – but I’m back at Sophia,” she says.

“I’m attending the family support program because my son, at age 19, fell into fentanyl addiction. The programs at Sophia have helped me build boundaries, figure out how to speak to him, and know how to navigate through his struggles without making it my own problem. Sophia has given me the skills to stay sober myself, and help my son on his journey.”