change lives.

Impact Stories

Arlo’s story: A journey to belonging

Arlo always felt different from his peers but didn't understand why until his teenage years when he learned more about gender diversity. 

Shane’s story: Enriching lives through mentorship

The trust between Shane and Landen grew as they spent time together. Shane, a warm and caring teen, was matched with Landen as his mentor through Big Brothers Big Sisters of Saint John. They connected over video games and outdoor activities.

Jessica’s story: battling to turn her life around

From an early age, Jessica’s life was a never-ending rollercoaster.

Emily’s story: Becoming a responsible teen

If you’ve been through the drop-in at Teen Resource Centre, you will have seen many of the walls covered in “bubbles.”  Each bubble has the name of a former or current youth from the drop-in program. When 14-year-old Emily started attending the program last year, she asked why some people got to put their name on the wall. 

Karren’s story: Helping clients ease their anxieties

Karren McIntosh sees the anguish on her clients’ faces when they have to rely on a stranger to get to vital appointments. As an employment counsellor, Karren knows how important it is for her clients to make those appointments. Without them, they lose out on jobs or training opportunities.

Adam’s story: A path to healing

Feeling desperate and having suicidal thoughts, Adam found help through counselling. Through an employee assistance program at work, he was able to get three sessions with a Family Plus therapist.

Parker’s story: From addiction to recovery, and hope

Parker’s descent into addiction began slowly enough. It started with drinking and smoking a “bit too much” pot. Then he fell into the wrong group. Seeking acceptance among a group of friends with similar struggles, he became hooked on smoking methamphetamine. Before long, he had cut off ties with his family and old friends. 

Jennifer’s story: From crippling fear to a joyful confidence 

Before the Women’s Empowerment Network, Jennifer Nickerson was in a constanAdd Newt state of anxiety. Her fear of failure and the unknown was crippling. She was afraid of interacting with strangers. Meeting new people terrified her. Then she enrolled in the Healthy Self-Esteem program at the Women’s Empowerment Network, part of the Saint John Learning Exchange.

New Brunswick’s 211 service: Help starts here 

There were more than 18,000 requests for help fielded by 211 in New Brunswick last year.